Prover/Verifier Packaging

Gevulot runs provers and verifiers in a virtual machine, under Nanos unikernel. Each program must be correctly packaged in order to work in Gevulot.


Image - See Program Image

Manifest - Manifest here refers to configuration file used to build VM image using Nanos.

Nanos - Nanos is the name of the unikernel that provides operating system for the program run in VM.

Ops - Ops is a tool that provides various functionalities when working with Nanos.

Program Image - Program image is the disk image that contains Nanos kernel and the program.

VM Image - See Program Image


  • Install Ops

  • Gevulot integration has been implemented in the program

  • The program has been compiled for Linux x86_64 target


Nanos is a very lightweight, but full-featured unikernel, that provides the operating system facilities for the prover / verifier program. Due to its unikernel nature, it doesn't have any kinds of init systems that would automatically configure the system for running the user's program. Instead it requires a configuration file, called manifest, to know how the program should be run.

Most of the time the manifest is very simple for a program run in Gevulot, but it does provide wide range of functionality if needed. Certain elements however are mandatory in order to make the VM image work with Gevulot.


  "ManifestPassthrough": {
    "readonly_rootfs": "true"
    "RUST_BACKTRACE": "1",
    "RUST_LOG": "debug"
  "Mounts": {
    "%1": "/workspace"

Let's inspect that element by element:

  • ManifestPassthrough element is a Nanos internal implementation detail that allows passing configuration values straight to kernel.

    • radonly_rootfs element informs Nanos kernel that the root filesystem is read-only.

  • Env element is a map that contains environment variables that are passed to user space program - i.e. the prover / verifier program run under Nanos.

    • RUST_BACKTRACE environment variable is Rust specific configuration flag that allows detailed program stack trace in event of panic().

    • RUST_LOG environment variable can be used to configure tracing library's logging functionality. In this example it's set to debug level.

  • Program element describes the name of the program binary that is added into the VM image and which is executed when the Nanos boots.

  • Mounts element describes the workspace volume mount point. This must be always set as described here, in order to have functional runtime environment for the prover / verifier.

When writing a manifest for your prover / verifier program, the baseline should be always the manifest described above. Those Rust specific environment variables are not mandatory, but can be useful in some debugging scenarios as the Gevulot shim is written in Rust.

Most of the time the only modification needed is the Program binary name.

Detailed configuration options

Ops documentation provides more detailed information on its configuration options, in case the default manifest template is not enough.

Packaging the program

Once the manifest has been written and the program compiled, the packaging is very straightforward:

ops build <program binary file> -c <manifest file>

Complete example

Let's say you have a my-prover written in Rust. Once it's built, the resulting binary is in ./target/release/my_prover.

The program doesn't require any special configuration so it's manifest will look like:

  "ManifestPassthrough": {
    "readonly_rootfs": "true"
    "RUST_BACKTRACE": "1",
    "RUST_LOG": "debug"
  "Mounts": {
    "%1": "/workspace"

The final program image can be built with:

ops build ./target/release/my_prover -c my_prover.json

Ops will print the resulting program image file location:

Bootable image file:/home/johndoe/.ops/images/my_prover

Packaging for GPU-accelerated programs

GPU-accelerated programs require a bit more complex packaging. Documentation for those is coming soon.

Last updated