The Gevulot devnet provides a minimalist JSON-RPC API for end-user interfacing. It allows for the creation and observation of transactions.
In order to access the Gevulot devnet JSON-RPC API, you must register a key.
Address to devnet API is
Note: Compute time for proving workloads is currently restricted to max 30 mins.
sendTransaction operations allow users to submit a transaction for execution. Currently, the devnet supports Deploy and Run transaction types.
getTransaction operations allow users to fetch any transaction for a given hash. The return value contains all details of a transaction, excluding related file data.
getTransactionTree returns a full transaction tree for a given hash that is part of an execution of a Run transaction.
Run transactions contain a workflow that is executed to generate a proof and then verify it. Each step results in a new transaction referring to the parent transaction. The result of a whole execution is a tree of transactions.
Rust Client
The Gevulot node crate provides types for easily working with transactions and an RPC client to communicate with the servers.
Construct client
Client construction is simple:
use gevulot_node::rpc_client::RpcClient;// ...let url =""let client =RpcClient::new(url);
Build a transaction
This section assumes you have built program images for prover & verifier as described in the Development section. In order to deploy them, files must be available from an HTTP server and a BLAKE3 checksum must be calculated for them.
Given those details, a deploy transaction can be built as follows:
use gevulot_node::{ types::{ transaction::{Payload, ProgramMetadata},Hash, Transaction, },};use libsecp256k1::SecretKey;use std::path::Path;fncompute_file_hash(path:&Path) ->Hash {// First compute BLAKE3 hash for the program image file.letmut hasher = blake3::Hasher::new();let fd = std::fs::File::open(&img_file).expect("open"); hasher.update_reader(fd).expect("checksum"); hasher.finalize()}fnbuild_program_metadata(name:&str, img_path:&Path) ->ProgramMetadata {let img_file_name = img_path.file_name().unwrap().to_str().unwrap().to_string();// Then construct the program metadata struct.letmut prover_program_metadata =ProgramMetadata { name:"example-prover".to_string(), hash:Hash::default(), image_file_name, image_file_url:format!("{}", img_file_name), image_file_checksum:compute_file_hash(img_path), };// Compute the program hash. program_metadata.update_hash(); program_metadata}fn construct_deployment_tx(private_key: &SecretKey, name: &str, prover_img_file: &Path, verifier_img_file: &Path) -> Transaction {
// Construct the transaction with deployment payload.Transaction::new(Payload::Deployment{ name: name.to_string(), prover:build_program_metadata(format!("{}-prover", name), prover_img_file), verifier:build_program_metadata(format!("{}-verifier", name), verifier_img_file), }, &private_key)}
Run transaction
When a prover and a verifier have been deployed, they can be used to generate and verify proofs.
Note that the single workflow step maximum runtime is restricted to 30 minutes.
Run transaction can be created in the following way: